physics question bank for (Neet, jee, 11th, 12th)


1. A particle starts from rest  and moves with constant acceleration a. what is the nature of the graph between the time (t) and the displacement.  
 (a) straight line 
(b) instant velocity 
(c) average speed 
(d) average velocity 

2. A particle starts with velocity  u and moves with constant acceleration  a .what is the nature of the graph between the time (t) and the displacement (x).  
(a) straight line 
(b) symmetric parabola 
(c) Asymmetric parabola 
(d) Rectangular hyperbola

3. For motion on a curved  path with constant acceleration [magnitude of displacement /distance covered  
(a) >1   
(b) ≥ 1   
(c) ≤ 1   
(d) <1 

4. A particle moving with uniform speed can possess : 
(a) radial acceleration 
(b) tangential acceleration 
(c) both radial and tangential accelerations 
(d) neither radial nor tangential acceleration 

5. A car accelerates from rest for time t1 at constant rate a1 and then it retards at the constant rate a2 for time t2 and comes to rest. t1/t2 =    
(a) a1/a2   
(b) a2/a1   
(c) a12/a22   
(d) a22/a12  

6. What is the angle between instantaneous displacement and acceleration during the retarded motion 
(a) Zero 
(b) π/4 
(c) π/2. 
(d) π. 

7. the velocity graph of a motion starting from rest with uniform acceleration is a straight line: 
(a) Parallel to time –axis. 
(b) parallel to velocity axis 
(c) not passing through origin 
(d) having none of the above characteristics

8. The slope of the velocity time graph for retarded motion is: 
(a) Positive 
(b) negative 
(c) zero 
(d) can be +ve, -ve or zero

9. Which of the following can be zero when the particle is in motion for some time ? 
(a) Displacement 
(b) Distance covered 
(c) speed 
(d) none of the above 

10. Which of the following statement is false for motion with uniform velocity 
(a) The motion is along a straight line path. 
(b) The motion is always in the same direction
(c) Magnitude of displacement < distance covered 
(d) Average velocity is equal to the instantaneous velocity

11. A particle is moving on a straight  line path with constant  acceleration  directed along the  direction of instantaneous velocity. Which of the following statements about the motion of particle is true 
(a) Particle may reverse the direction  of motion. 
(b) distance covered = magnitude of displacement  
(c) average velocity is less than average speed 
(d) average velocity = instantaneous velocity

12. if the displacement of a particle is zero, then what can we say about its distance covered ? 
(a) it must be zero
(b) it cannot be zero 
(c) it is negative 
(d) it may or may not be zero

13. a particle moves with uniform velocity. Which o fthe following statements about the motion of the particle is true
(a) its speed is zero
(b) its acceleration is zero
(c) its acceleration is opposite to the velocity
(d) its speed may be variable 

14. A car travels a distance S on a straight road in two hours and then return to the starting point in the next here hours. Its average velocity is : 
(a) S/5 
(b) 2S/5 
(c) (S/2)+(S/3) 
(d) none of the above

15. A particle starts with initial velocity 10ms-1.. it covers a distance of 20 m along a straight into two seconds. What is the acceleration of the particle. 
(a) zero 
(b) 1 ms-2
(c) 10ms-2
(d)20 ms-2

16. A particle moves along a straight line path. After sometime it comes to rest. The motion is with an acceleration whose direction with respect to the direction o velocity is 
(a) positive throughout motion 
(b) negative throughout motion 
(c) first positive then negative   
(d) first negative then positive 

17. The time elapsed is plotted along X-axis and the acceleration is plotted along the Y-axis. The area between the graph and the X-axis gives. 
(a) Average velocity 
(b) distance covered 
(c) differences in velocities 
(d) difference in accelerations 

18. The velocity ν and displacement r of a body are related as : ν2 =kr where k is constant. What will be the velocity after 1 second. Given that the displacement is zero at t=0. 
(b) kr3/2
(c) kr 
(d) data is not sufficient