DISCRIPTION The 5th edition of the book objective NCERT Xtract -Biology for NEET, Class 11 & 12, AIIMS consists of quality selected MCQs as per current NCERT syllabus covering the entire syllabus of 11th and 12th standard. The most highlighting feature of the book is the inclusion of a lot of new questions created exactly on the pattern of NCERT. This book-cum-Question Bank spans through 38 chapters. The book provides a detailed 2 page concept map for quick revision of the br>Chapter this is followed by 3 types of objective exercises: 1. Topic-wise concept based MCQs 2. Ncert Exemplar & Past NEET & AIIMS questions 3. 15-20 challenging questions in try if you can exercise detailed explanations have been provided for all typical MCQs that need conceptual clarity. The book also includes 5 Mock tests for self assessment. This book assures complete syllabus coverage by means of questions for more or less all significant concepts of Biology. In nutshell this book will act as t...